The Town of Jackson Design review committee will vote on a recommendation for final approval for a new 57- unit deed-restricted affordable housing project. The project consists of 10 lots on Jackson Street between Hansen and Kelly.
This project is a joint public-private partnership to build affordable housing that will be managed by the Jackson Teton County Housing Department.
Housing project wants less parking
The applicant is asking Town Planners to allow them to build with less than the required number of parking spaces and with an adjustment to the front setback.
While most developers would have to get a variance from the Jackson Board of Adjustment, these questions will be answered administratively.
The applicant seeks 64 parking spaces where 86 are required by code and wants a 16-foot setback instead of the required 20 feet. All 64 parking spaces are shown as uncovered surface parking and are located on both sides of the alley internal to the site.
The design committee will focus on exterior finishes of the buildings and pass their recommendations on to the Planning Commission and Town Council.
This workforce housing project does not require a Development Plan and so will go straight to building permit for review. However, due to the public land and partial funding of the project, the project will be presented to the Council in a public workshop on December 20th.