Tomorrow is the last day the Jackson Hole Children’s Museum will be at174 N. King Street. After Friday, the Museum will be closed until June 9thwhen the Museum re-opens on North Jean Street in the eastern annex buildings of the Jackson Elementary campus. One building will be used as a museum, and the other as a classroom and office space.
The Teton County School District Board of Trustees approved the lease of the two modular buildings as a temporary home for the museum for the next year or two until a permanent home can be found. In celebration of the anticipated move, the museum staff is offering free admission extended hours from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm Friday in order to celebrate the impending move.
The celebration also will include raffles every hour, including “never-seen-before” Abby Paffrath 2019 Touch-A-Truck hats. Touch-A-Truck, the Museum’s largest fundraiser, will be held the same day the museum reopens. Children’s Museum
Executive Director Jean Lewis says the King Street location was critical to the museum’s start-up, and success over the past eight years. The museum lost the lease from the town of Jackson as the town prepares to redevelop the property for workforce housing.
Children’s Museum Preps Move
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