The Wyoming Department of Transportation is concerned about a trend in recent years of motorists engaging in dangerous behaviors on Togwotee Pass as they view wildlife there.
In a news release last week, WYDOT urges motorists, obey traffic signs, laws, and regulations, drive carefully, slowly, and watch for wildlife on/near highways and road shoulders, report unlawful activity/dangerous situations to law enforcement, always stay at least 100 yards away from bears, and never feed, leave food for, or make food accessible to bears.
WYDOT Area Maintenance Supervisor Mike Hitshew of Lander says, “Violators can be cited and fined for harming, harassing, or feeding bears, or for creating unsafe driving conditions. It is unlawful to stop or park along the highway except in the case of an emergency or at designated pull off areas, such as scenic overlooks.”
The Wyoming Highway Patrol plans to monitor the highway to ensure compliance with state motor vehicle laws.”
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