For those who like to avoid the rush, especially during the COVID pandemic, now is not to early to be thinking of absentee voting. Teton County Clerk Mo Murphy says early voting has been strong in Wyoming already. The early voting center in Teton County has also seen over 1300 people, and well over 1600 ballots have been returned via mail or drop off. The county has seen about 20% of our registered voters and that, says Murphy is fantastic with just under a month until Election Day. In 2016, there was a 96.6% voter turnout and Murphy says she wouldn’t be surprised if we go higher than that for this general election. Those wishing to vote early may do so at the courthouse Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm until November 2nd. After that, voting can take place on Election Day at one of the five voting centers. Murphy said, “We are so lucky in Wyoming to have many options available to place our votes.”
Early Voting Going Strong
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