Teton County Commissioner Greg Epstein has had second thoughts. He explains that at the beginning of this year he had made a decision not to run for a second term. However, he says life as we know it has changed and COVID-19 has affected everyone’s lives to varying degrees. With that in mind, Epstein says during uncertain periods like this, continuity of experienced leadership is paramount. Consequently, he has decided to run again for the Teton County Commission. Epstein says he truly believes our community will come together, prevail and be stronger on the other side of this pandemic, but it’s going to require a collaborative effort and tough decisions. Beyond the epidemic, he says issues facing the county include appropriately funded and sited affordable workforce housing, an optimized valley transportation system, improved water quality issues, and social services that help our community’s most in need. Epstein was first elected to the Teton County Commission in 2016 and he currently serves as its vice chair.
Greg Epstein To Seek Reelection
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