The Jackson Town Council and Teton County Board of Commissioners formally adopted policy updates to Housing Rules & Regulations today, marking the completion of one project area for the Engage 2017 process.
The Engage 2017 process began in the spring of 2017, focused on the major policy areas of Natural Resource Protections, Town Zoning & Parking, Housing Requirements, and Housing Rules & Regulations. Over the past year, extensive public outreach has been conducted to solicit community input and feedback to help shape the policy updates for Housing Rules & Regulations. Ten public outreach events were held, two surveys were conducted with 325 responses, six open office hours sessions were held, and additional outreach with critical stakeholders was conducted.
In addition to all of the public outreach conducted, approximately 15 meetings of either the Jackson Town Council, Teton County Board of Commissioners, Planning Commission, or Jackson/Teton County Housing Authority have been held to guide the process since February 2017.
“Public input and community feedback have been critical for this entire process,” said April Norton, Jackson/Teton County Affordable Housing Department Director. “We are truly grateful for the time and energy that so many of our passionate community members have provided.”
Significant changes to the Housing Rules & Regulations include:
- The number of entries a household receives in the weighted drawing is based on points, which are given for years worked in Teton County and for Critical Service Providers,
- Occupancy requirements for most units have increased,
- New Affordable unit owners will be required to prove annually that they are employed in Teton County full-time, and that they occupy their unit,
- Livability standards will be required on new units with no minimum size requirements,
- Retirees will no longer qualify to purchase, and
- In rental units, proof of U.S. Citizenship or Lawful Permanent Residency is not required.
“This has been a thorough and deliberate process. I think we achieved an equitable policy that will help ensure we remain a livable community,” said Mark Newcomb, Teton County Board of Commissioners Chairman. “The Affordable Housing Department and countless community members that provided insight and input deserve a huge congratulations for all the work, time, and energy that went into this effort,” Newcomb continued.
Monday’s meeting was the official “third reading” and adoption of the Housing Rules & Regulations, following consideration and review at meetings on April 11, May 21, and June 25, 2018.
“I’m really happy about the process we used to arrive at this needed update,” said Pete Muldoon, Jackson Mayor. “Our staff conducted a ton of public outreach, we had discussions with numerous stakeholders, took a lot of public comment, and at the end of the day we decided on a path forward that will better serve the public’s interest in ensuring we have stable housing for our workforce into the future.”
The new Housing Rules & Regulations will formally go into effect on Monday, July 9, 2018.
“Providing options and solutions for affordable housing is one component of our on-going efforts to provide healthy housing solutions for our workforce,” Norton continued. “We realize that the conclusion of the Housing Rules & Regulations piece of the Engage process is not the finish line, and that we must continue to innovate and collaborate to remain a community first and resort second.”
The Jackson/Teton County Affordable Housing Department recently released its first Annual Report, providing highlights of the Department’s work, local housing and workforce statistics, and priorities of the 2018/2019 workplace. The department is also slated to present its annual update to the Housing Supply Plan at the August 6 Joint Information Meeting.
Detailed information related to all of the Engage 2017 project is available at: The Affordable Housing Department’s Annual Report can be accessed here: