The Jackson Town Council will hold its Workshop in the Council’s Chambers starting at 1:30pm on Monday . This meeting will include updates from Jackson Planning Director Paul Anthony and an introduction and update from new Fire/EMS Chief Stephen Jellie.
Interim Town Manager Tyler Sinclair will give an update about winter service levels and Ecosystem Stewardship Administrator, Tanya Anderson, will update the council about a potential Town Sustainability Plan.
The council will also discuss a revised job description for the Town Manager position selection. Finally, Assistant Public Works Director Johnny Ziem will present a structural water rate adjustment.
At the council’s regular meeting starting at 6:00pm, Mayor Hailey Morton Levinson will read proclamations for Apprenticeship Week and Small Business Saturday, and then introduce the Town’s new Police Systems Administrator, Endy Rodriguez.
After that, Interim Town Manager, Tyler Sinclair, will present about Town Facility Use for Early Childhood Education. Next, Deputy Town Clerk Lynsey Lenamond will present a Liquor License request from Root Café. Following that, Associate Planner Katelyn Page will present a request for a Partial Vacation without a Replat at 725 Upper Snow King Loop.
A Resolution of Appreciation for Clarene Law will be read, highlighting Law’s incredible life and generous spirit. .
The council will hear the second reading of Ordinances R-B, Title 16 Housing Department Rules and Regulations, Ordinance C about Art Enrichment, and Ordinance D, a Title 2 Personnel Update.
The meetings will all take place in the Council’s chambers on Pearl Street and via Zoom. Public comment will be taken at both meetings.
- Community members can always email comments and perspective to Town Council by
CLICKING HERE or emailing: [email protected]. - Community members can attend and make Public Comment at the Workshop starting at 1:30pm either in-person or via Zoom by CLICKING HERE. Anyone can share comments for up to 3 minutes at specific times in-person or using the “Raise Hand” feature to be called on in Zoom.
- Community members can attend and make Public Comment at the Regular Town Council meeting starting at 6:00pm either in-person or via Zoom by CLICKING HERE and using password 83001. Anyone can share comments for up to 3 minutes at specific times in-person or by using the “Raise Hand” feature to be called on in Zoom.
- Community members can watch Town Council’s Regular Meeting through the Town’s website byCLICKING HERE.