A write-in candidate is running for mayor in Jackson. Michael Kudar, a Jackson native and businessman, will challenge Hailey Morton Levinson this August in the Primary Election. Kudar announced his intention as a write-in candidacy to the community on Wednesday knowing he would have the time for the job. His press release said, “Kudar comes with experience in public office as a former council member for the Town of Pinedale and Planning & Zoning Commissioner for the Town of Jackson. He decided to run because he wanted to give Jackson a choice in the mayoral race. “Listening to colleagues and friends, many voters feel like I do – that we need common sense leadership to move our community forward so I’ve got an opportunity as a write-in candidate,” he said. “We’ll be pursuing a mayoral campaign dedicated for the good people of Jackson.” Kudar is a third generation businessman who consults in business management and real estate development in the Jackson, Sun Valley, and Bozemen areas. He has been in Jackson since 1972 to return after college and again after a 10 year regional management position in the natural gas industry in Pinedale. His three teens Faye, Anton, and Phoebe and his wife Serese, a business owner for K & K PR in Jackson, reside in East Jackson. Kudar said he wants to focus on preparing Jackson for the most challenging times ahead and support health, safety, and community services. He also wants to make sure the town is a respectful steward of taxpayer money (with no new taxes) and the town’s history. In addition, Kudar said he supports making the town more transparent and serving the interests of residents and businesses first. Kudar believes he will win the election because it will be the common sense vote for a change in leadership. He said he already set a campaign committee in motion and plans to talk one on one with thousands over the next several months and has launched his website, michaelkudarformayor.com. A group of voters have reached out to him with their support knowing he plans to work hard and instill a new responsibility as mayor. As a write-in candidate, town residents will need to write-in his full name via absentee at the polling place Teton County Administration Building starting July 2nd through the Primary Election on August 18, 2020.”
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