If a new permanent dog park and a set of pickleball courts are on your Christmas list, you may be in luck this season. The Teton County – Jackson Parks and Recreation Department is applying for a conditional use permit to build improvements and open an off-leash dog park in Miller park.
Before it opens, town laws must be changed as current code doesn’t allow dogs in any town park.
The Planning Director recommends approval for this application. The dog park will be surfaced with synthetic turf with a drainage system to collect dog waste. The park will lie on the west side of Miller Park, and will be open from sunrise to sunset.
More than a permanent Dog Park
The dog park won’t be the only addition to the park. Parks and Rec is also proposing replacing the current basketball court with four new pickleball courts, which is an increasingly popular sport in Jackson. The existing pickleball courts will remain, with the same hours of operation as before. Lights will still shut off at 10pm.
They are also hoping to put in two new half-court basketball courts west of the current pickleball courts. This proposal will likely be very popular with any dog lovers of the town, who have lobbied for a permanent off-leash dog park for decades.
With pickleball trending more and more in the country, lots of Jackson residents are looking for a positive recommendation from the planning committee on Wednesday before it heads to the Town Council for approval.
Synthetic turf with drainage
The dog park location is in the southwest corner of Miller Park and designed with synthetic turf. The facility will include a separate drainage system to collect liquid dog waste. Dog waste cans will be provided near both entrances.
The park is going to operate year-round from sunrise to sunset and be maintained by the Parks & Recreation department. No lighting is proposed and signage and mutt mitts will be provided.