Devon Viehman has announced her intentions to run for Jackson Town Council. In her statement of candidacy, Viehman says change is inevitable, and in a community as desirable as ours, so is growth. Our town needs to grow in a smart, sustainable way that creates a high quality of life for all of our community members as well as in a way that maintains our heritage & culture. She adds that addressing the affordable housing crisis will require the public, private and nonprofit sectors to work together. Mitigation rates are too high and have stalled growth. She says that in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the town will need to drastically revise its budget forecasts, and cuts will have to be made. To do so, she says Town Council needs the valuable private sector perspective. Viehman was raised in town, has owned her own business and is currently raising a family here.
Viehman Makes Council Run
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