They gave us plenty to cheer about, and showed real class on the diamond right ’til the end. But now for the Post 43 Giants, the end of the season has come after two losses at the championship tournament. After a first-round win over Sheridan, Jackson had itself well-positioned to make a run to the state championship. But, alas, it was not to be. The worst-case scenario unfolded in Post 43’s second game with Gillette. The question mark going in was the Giants thin pitching and it was exposed along with the baseball horror movie: Silence of the Bats. Jackson’s ace Parker Bleggi had an off-day, chased early from the game with the Roughriders. It didn’t help that the Giants couldn’t hit a lick. A 7-1 loss put the Giants in the losers bracket where they ran out of pitching in an offensive struggle with Casper. Jackson led the whole way until the Oilers knocked Connor Lang out of the game and went to work on Quentin Bruno, who did not have his best stuff. A 7-1 lead shrank to 7-5 and then Casper opened the floodgates with 8 runs in the 5th inning to take command of the game with a 14-9 win. Post 43 finishes the season with 23 wins compared to 30 losses. The Giants gave us the best gift at the best time. During a summer of COVID, they gave a reason to hope and cheer. When the world turned upside-down, they gave us baseball.
Giants Wrap Season
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